One of the many upcoming games announced during the 2023 Game Awards was Pony Island 2: Panda Circus. This unexpected sequel to 2016’s out-of-the-blue indie darling is already shaping to be as wonderfully weird as its predecessor.
Pony Island 2: Panda Circus Release Date, Consoles
As revealed in the final seconds of its excellent and uncanny trailer, Pony Island 2: Panda Circus is set to be released in 2025… or is it 2026? The last digit of the release date glitchily flickers back and forth between five and six, so Pony Island 2: Panda Circus’s release date is probably not set in stone. Since developer Daniel Mullins is a known master of deception, it will be a while until we get a clear answer on when Pony Island 2: Panda Circus is coming out.
What Consoles is Pony Island 2: Panda Circus Coming To
It’s unclear which consoles Pony Island 2: Panda Circus will be available on. The original Pony Island was a PC exclusive, so it’s safe to assume that Pony Island 2: Panda Circus will also be one. While the gameplay styles shown in the trailer were quite diverse, they all seemed to utilize point-and-click controls, giving us some solid evidence about which consoles Pony Island 2: Panda Circus will be available for.
What is Pony Island 2: Panda Circus About
Daniel Mullins’ games are infamous for their metatextual nature, and the original Pony Island is no exception to that rule. Placing the player in the shoes of an unfortunate soul who finds themself playing an arcade cabinet possessed by the Devil himself, Pony Island toyed with the player psychologically by deconstructing traditional gameplay elements like save states and in-game text, keeping them on their toes from start to finish.
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From what little was shown during the trailer, the plot of Piny Island 2: Panda Circus will introduce us to yet another demonic arcade machine. This particular cabinet seems to be centered around a panda-themed life simulator game. If the massive number of glitches that crop up during “gameplay” is any indication, the player will, once again, have to work around a program that wants them to fail if they hope to escape with their soul.