Soaring on the back of a speedy Pal makes exploration in Palworld significantly easier. Though there’s only a handful of flying mounts to choose from, choosing the right Pal can make a huge difference. To help you decide, this article lists the five best flying Pal mounts in Palworld.
Once you catch a swift flying mount in Palworld, you’ll never look back. This list primarily focuses on speed, though I’ve also taken battle potential into account. After all, there’s nothing like pelting grunts with fireballs from the safety of the air.
Best Rideable Flying Pals in Palworld
#5. Shadowbeak

Shadowbeak is a Dark Pal with great stats and respectable speed. While it’s not as fast as others on the list, you will notice a difference from the typical flying Pals caught at lower levels.
For fellow aerial combat fans, Shadowbeak’s Modified DNA Partner Skill increases Dark attacks while mounted, allowing you to do some serious damage from the sky. Being super effective against Netural Pals, Shadowbeak can be an excellent pick for farming materials in the wild.
Shadowbeak Location

Shadowbeaks can be caught on the Wildlife Sanctuary in the northeast corner of the map. This is full of Level 40 – 45 enemies, so ensure you’re prepared before your journey.
#4. Ragnahawk

If the “Pokémon with guns” headlines brought you to Palworld, then Ragnahawk may be the flying mount for you. On top of having good speed, Ragnahwk’s Partner Skill, Flame Wing, adds fire damage to your attacks while riding. I don’t know about you, but firing a flaming assault rifle on the back of a giant flaming bird sounds fantastic.
After you’re done literally firing at enemies, Ragnahawk makes a fantastic kindler back at your base. Have them cook a tasty meal to refill your hunger bar or quickly smelt ore into ingots.
Ragnahawk Location

Ragnahawks spawn in the west side of the volcano area in the southwest corner of the map. You can find out more about Ragnahawk in our guide, including how to create one through breeding.
#3 — Faleris

Faleris is another Fire Pal that’s a little faster than Ragnahawk. It also has an interesting Partner Skill, Scorching Predator, which increases the number of drops from defeated Ice Pals. Trust me, you’ll be thankful for this ability when you need Ice Organs.
Faleris Location

Faleris is also in the Wildlife Sanctuary in the northeast. You can also breed a Vanwyrm with Anubis to (potentially) produce a Faleris egg.
#2. Frostallion

Frostallion is the second-fastest flying mount in Palworld and an excellent fighter. Both its regular (Ice) and Noct (Dark) variants share the same flight speed, so you can choose whichever type suits your party the most — or bring both along!
For those looking for an interesting playstyle, Frostallion’s Partner Skills transforms your attacks to match its respective type and buffs all attacks from that type. Whether you want to rain down bullets or Ice Missiles from the sky, Frostallion has you covered.
Frostallion Location

You can find a Level 50 Alpha Frostallion in the icy region, west of the Absolute Zero fast travel point and near the mountain’s edge.
To obtain Frostallion Noct, you’ll need to breed a Frostallion with a Helzephyr to produce a Huge Dark Egg, as reported by Dot Esports.
#1. Jetragon

If you’re looking for the fastest flying Pal mount in Palworld, look no further than Jetragon. With a whopping 3300 ride sprint speed, Jetragon is the speediest Pal in the entire game. For comparison, that’s over double the speed of Frostallion.
As well as being a speed demon, Jetragon is incredibly strong in battle, both on its own and while being ridden. Combined with its ludicrous mount speed, Jetragon is a must-have Pal for endgame players. Unless a faster and stronger Pal comes along in a future patch, Jetragon has earned a permanent spot on my team.
Jetragon Location

Jetragon is a Level 50 boss in the northwest corner of the volcano biome. This is a scorching location, so make sure to equip armor with a cooling effect. You’ll also need a very good Pal Sphere to catch it — but it’s well worth it!
While exploring Palworld’s skies on your swift new mount, don’t forget about the Pals in your base. Check out our guide on improving working conditions to ensure your Pals are happy and working hard.
This guide was written while playing Palworld on PC via Xbox Game Pass.