In the Heroes side job in Cyberpunk 2077, Mama Welles holds an ofrenda for her late son Jackie. Sending Jackie’s remains to the right place will earn you an invite to the ofrenda. Everyone needs something to honor Jackie, so you must find an item in his garage.
There’s a lot of stuff in Jackie’s garage for the Cyberpunk ofrenda offering, and Misty’s there with you to bring up sentimental stories attached to each item, so it can be challenging to decide what to bring. Unfortunately, your options are limited, so here’s the best thing you should bring to the Cyberpunk 2077 ofrenda offering.
What Should You Choose for the Ofrenda in Cyberpunk 2077?

While the game makes it seem like you have a choice, you can only bring one thing to the Cyberpunk ofrenda offering. Inside Jackie’s garage, you will have several options available for you to choose from. However, I was initially confused through multiple playthroughs because the book seemed the only option, but this isn’t the case.
You’ll find the book and basketball in the first room, and the key to the second room is next to the beer. Once you have the key, you can access the second room to find a tequila bottle and a belt. Did you take everything or touch it? Make sure to select “take all” to add everything you can to your inventory. It honestly doesn’t matter which item you choose for the Ofrenda so choose what speaks to you the most.
However, to get the best outcome of this quest, convince Misty to come with you to El Coyote Cojo to attend the Ofrenda. Once at the Ofrenda, you can choose which items to place on the altar from your inventory. After the cyberpunk ofrenda offering ends, speak to Mama Welles and tell her Misty was critical of Jackie. However, you’ll still get the keys to Jackie’s motorcycle regardless of telling Mama Welles about Misty.
Can You Get Jackie’s Bike if You Answer No to Mama Welles?
At the end of the Heroes quest and completing the cyberpunk ofrenda offering, Mame Welles will offer you Jackie’s Bike. You can either accept the bike and grab the keys, or answer no to Mama Welles, which will rid you of receiving the bike. Unfortunately, if you answer no, you won’t be able to get Jackie’s Bike through the Heroes quest.
If you accidentally said no to Mama Welles and want the bike, your best bet is to reload a save file. I made the mistake of saying no and reloading a save file from before the quest was my savior. Doing this, you will have to redo all the steps mentioned in this guide, but you will also receive Jackie’s Bike.
Making sure you get Jackie’s Bike is highly recommended, considering it’s most players’ first and best vehicle in the Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough. Having a vehicle makes exploring and getting between quest waypoints much easier.
What Happens if You Send Jackie to Viktor?
When deciding on where to send Jackie, the player has the option to send him to Viktor. If you choose to send Jackie to Viktor, you will be locked out of the rest of the quest and won’t be invited to the ofrenda mentioned earlier. Instead, Mama Welles will leave a box outside of V’s home that contains the keys to Jackie’s Bike. In other words, you will still receive Jackie Bike as a vehicle.
While this decision isn’t recommended, it’s not the end of the world, considering Mama Welles won’t be mad at you. You can actually call Mama Welles on your cellphone, and she will speak to you and wish you all the best.