Have you purchased or earned items that increase your stats but can’t find them in your inventory? I’ve been there. Some aspects of this game can be a bit wonky, but don’t worry. Here’s how to use Treatises in Rise of the Ronin.
Treatises are items that you usually get from certain vendors by spending Silver Coins. You can get them from the Cat Geisha, Usugumo Dayu, in the american embassy, and several other places. However, you won’t see them among your items. So, what do you do with those and how do you use them?
How to Increase Your Stats with Treatises in Rise of the Ronin

- Open the menu by pressing the touchpad
- Navigate to the Stats tab
- Press the Triagle button
- Select the Treatises you want to use
Treatises are unique items that must be used from the Stats tab of the game’s menu. Once there, press Triangle to select the item you want to use. There are five kinds of Treatises in Rise of the Ronin, one for each Stat (Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Charisma) and one that increases your Skill points, the Treatise of Enlightenment.
Although the Stat Treatises are the best ones, Treatises of Enlightenment is one of the ways you can farm Skill Points. If you purchase those items while fighting enemies and visit Shrines, you can accumulate a significant amount of Skill Points and unlock a bunch of techniques that will make the Protagonist much stronger.
That said, be careful when spending your points. Treatises are hard to come by and are costly as well. You’ll soon realize that you need way too many Silver Coins to buy all these items in Yokohama. Although there are always fugitives to be caught, Silves Coins are also used to buy rare weapons, cosmetic items, and gifts for your allies and I sure want to make the cat lady happy. It’s not like you’ll not have the chance to buy more Treatises later, but it is a time investment for sure.