We’re back (again)! After an extended absence that was only broken by the massiveness of E3 2017, Will and I are back at it, giving you the latest video game news, reviews, impressions, and opinions. Sometimes we argue, like if we talk about Nintendo, Pokemon, or Destiny, or about a dozen other topics. And that’s exactly what we do this week!
The last week, hell, the last month or two have kind of been dull in the world of video games. Not much news has happened, despite PAX West 2017 taking place in Seattle. Still, we dug around and found a few stories to discuss, such as PlayerUnknwon’s Battlegrounds crossing the ridiculously huge 10 million sales mark. The game has grown amazingly fast in the last few months, despite it being “broken” according to Will.
My time has mostly been spent playing Pokemon Go though, which Will doesn’t even want to hear about. Sure, the game is horribly broken, and yes it has lost a huge amount of players. Still, anyone that thinks it’s dead or not fun will get an argument from me, especially now that Mewtwo raids have arrived…which are also horribly broken.
Finally, on the news front, we discuss the unfortunate launch of Lawbreakers. The game was meant to be another massive, AAA style shooter experience, but has already hit bottom of the barrel player numbers. Find out what we think of the situation and what might have went wrong in the podcast below.
And, of course, we still talk about the games we played, which for me was Metroid: Samus Returns. Read my thoughts here. Will was busy with Knack 2, which he enjoyed, XCOM: War of the Chosen, which he loved, and Destiny 2, which he is still thinking about. Of course, if you’ve listened to our previous podcasts, you know that this is where we really start talking.