
Attack of the Fanboy was started in 2010 and publishes video game news, reviews, guides and videos for a diverse readership and viewership across our website and video outlets.  We are comprised of writers and content creators who contribute to both the publication of written news articles, in-depth reviews, how-to guides, exclusive interviews, and videos that cover a broad number of topics in the world of video games, technology, and entertainment.

Mission Statement:  Our goal at Attack of the Fanboy is to inform, help, and entertain through written and video mediums for all things pertaining to video games.

You can reach us by email anytime at [email protected]

For all inquiries please see our contact page.

Attack of the Fanboy Staff


Matthew Wilson, Managing Editor

Diego Perez, Associate Editor

Wyatt Fries, SEO Director

Aidan O’Brien, Editorial Strategy Director, Gamurs Group

Bhernardo Viana, Senior Editorial Strategist

Chris Jecks, Junior Content Director, Gamurs Group

Staff Writers

Noah Nelson, Gaming
J.R. Waugh, Entertainment & Gaming
Areeba Khan, Entertainment

Contributing Writers

Alejandro Josan
Alex Huebner
Christian Bognar
Drew Kopp
Franklin Bellone Borges
Gordon Bicker
Kiona Jones
Marc Magrini
Matthew Kevin Mitchell
Mike Bedard
Tom Cunliffe